Motivate your Very Important Participants to become Virtuoso Instrument Players!
Avoid the musical progress plateau with your participants by motivating and challenging them with an exclusive VIP Band program opportunity. Each week, Junior band participants (age 13-15) and Senior band participants (age 16-18) participate in exclusive Workshops and programs that help build skills in their chosen instrument. Participants in this program are expected to attend weekly instrument and/or studio Workshops to develop their musical knowledge and music technology expertise. They will work closely with their bandmates to build strong bonds with their peers. VIP Band participants have opportunities to play at higher stakes performance opportunities in the community, developing a sense of pride in their hard work and dedication.
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How to…
Participants in the VIP Band Program are divided into two bands. Each group is typically limited to no more than 10-12 participants:
Junior Band: ages 13-15
Senior Band: ages 16-18
Each week, VIP Band members commit to:
Participating in their choice of Instrument Workshop/s
Attend a at least one weekly Workshop series such as guitar, bass, drums, piano, vocals, lyric writing, music production or music business
Each participant is encouraged to stick to their chosen instrument for the entire semester but can change their instrument choice at the start of a new semester
Expanding their Musical Knowledge
Learn and apply the basics of music (like rhythm, harmony, melody and notation basics) on their chosen instrument
Project – Compose an original 16-32 bar song by the end of each semester
Participating in Music Production projects
Such as “Sound-alike” projects, iPad beat making, Recording Studio sessions
Project suggestion – Record an original song with distinct “A” and “B” sections by the end of each semester
Joining a band
Learn rehearsal and performance techniques
Project suggestion – Perform in one Open Mic night by the end of the semester
Tracking VIP participants’ progress:
Create a poster board tracking sheet
Participants get a stamp in the category activity they’ve completed each week. Visually displaying progress is motivational to the participants.
VIP’s must have 3 stamps at the end of each week, 12 stamps at the end of each month
Sample VIP Band Incentives:
First to know about concert tickets, field trips
Prioritized Recording Session time
High profile performance opportunities (galas, fundraisers, community events, etc.)
Opportunities for a music video shoot
Monthly rewards, raffles, prizes
Music books, lyric books, pick necklaces, VIP-only party (ice cream, movie night)